Essential NLP 108: We’ve got a new mind-body connection podcast for you

podcast purp2Phil introduces his latest podcast on the mind-body connection, which he thinks you will LOVE

In it he discusses key research and practical ideas on how to use the mind-body connection with leading researchers, clinicians and thought leaders.

He also asks clinicians, authors and thought leaders in the field to share their experiences and tips for harnessing the incredible power of this inner healing system

This series will be invaluable to practitioners, researchers and anyone interested in using the mind-body connection to improve their health.

So tune in to listen as Phil and his guests combine their in-depth knowledge of the subject with to make complex ideas simple to help you navigate through this fascinating area of health.

Episodes are available for you to listen to free on iTunes – listen now!

Essential NLP 102: Get in your ZONE- Flow states technique

podcast purp2Want to be at your best when performing, or at work or home. Then check this podcast out


Buy the rest of the series from the iTunes store.

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Click here to listen to the podcast in iTunes.

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