Everyone is our teacher

What if we changed our perspective on the people that annoyed us, the situations that irritated us,  and the un-thoughtfulness of others?
And instead of finding even more reasons to be frustrated, indignant and appalled we took on a new point of view?

A point of view where we decided to see everyone as a teacher. Where  we recognise everybody has a lesson for us: it might be that it’s to remind us not to be like that ourselves,  or maybe to remind us to be more compassionate and accepting of others.

If you keep on coming up against the same blocks and obstacles, the same “kind of difficult people” are getting the way of your progress,  than perhaps there is a lesson to be learnt, and also it’s possible that until you learn whatever that lesson is,  there’s a good chance you keep on bumping into these issues.

My challenge to you is to play with taking this more powerful perspective on about the elements of your life that you can’t actually change, others. It might be just what you need to start 2013 in a new way.

You can hear me talking more about this and how we can use it to change our brains, and lives, on my Essential NLP Podcast here 

Success Version 2013

As it is the New Year I’ve been pondering on what’s important.  In previous years, like many of us, I’ve set goals,  which is never a bad thing, but this year instead of focusing on getting more followers on Twitter or Facebook or even following the worthy credo “What if you were to die tomorrow?  
If you knew that how would you make sure that this day was the sum of everything you’ve ever achieved”,  I thought  this year I would approach the new year slightly differently.

What if I lived today according to my highest goals-  which, on reflection, are not to achieve loads of significant and seriously important things –  although I like doing that too, but to have fun, to experience happiness and share that with others.

For it still follows that if we are all to die tomorrow, due to the delayed Mayan prophecy or some such,  then, in fact,  living today in that way, would have be the perfect day to end on.

So maybe we need to redefine success as being happy and true to ourselves?
What do you think?