Hi Phil, just thought the folks would like to know for someone who was told by a previous Doctor never to attempt University…I just got a First Class with Distinction on my first year! Horaah for the LP!! I used it to kick ME so I could go, then used it a lot at Uni too for all those times when my energies or confidence needed pepping and for the times when I really had to dig deep.
It comes in particularly useful when running close to deadlines and i need calmness and confidence.
It was also really handy for brain rehearsing presentations. i remember one student said mine was “intimidatingly good” and I got lots of really positive feedback. for someone who used to dû shyness (and had 2hrs sleep the night before) my enthusiastic, confident presentation was one of my best achievements.
Oh and I gave the LP a major plug too as it was on personal development 😉
Hey the mind moves in the direction of our currently dominating thought.I like the approach you took with this topic. It is not every day that you find a subject so to the point and enlightening.
NLP Training
Thanks Samual. The mind is a brilliant thing; trouble is we often forget that we need to set it pointing in the right direction!